Listen in on Jane Street’s Ron Minsky as he has conversations with engineers working on everything from clock synchronization to reliable multicast, build systems to reconfigurable hardware. Get a peek at how Jane Street approaches problems, and how those ideas relate to tech more broadly.
Richard Eisenberg is one of the core maintainers of Haskell. He recently joined Jane Street’s Tools and Compilers team, where he hacks on the OCaml compiler. He and Ron discuss the powerful language feature that got him into PL design in the first place—dependent types—and its role in a world where AIs can (somewhat) competently write your code for you. They also discuss the differences between Haskell and OCaml; the perils of trying to make a language that works for everybody; and how best a company like Jane Street can collaborate with the open source community.
Richard Eisenberg is one of the core maintainers of Haskell. He recently joined Jane Street’s Tools and Compilers team, where he hacks on the OCaml compiler. He and Ron discuss the powerful language feature that got him into PL design in the first place—dependent types—and its role in a world where AIs can (somewhat) competently write your code for you. They also discuss the differences between Haskell and OCaml; the perils of trying to make a language that works for everybody; and how best a company like Jane Street can collaborate with the open source community.
Some links to topics that came up in the discussion:
Welcome to Signals and Threads, in-depth conversations about every layer of the tech stack, from Jane Street. I’m Ron Minsky. It is my great pleasure to introduce Richard Eisenberg. Richard’s a senior contributor to the Haskell ecosystem. He’s worked on Haskell’s type system in a lot of different ways over the last eight years. He’s on the GHC Steering Committee. He’s the Chair of the Haskell Foundation. One might wonder, what’s he doing here? Well, it turns out Richard has joined Jane Street. He’s working on our Tools and Compilers team, and in particular, working on the team that works on the front end of the OCaml compiler. So, thanks for joining me, Richard.
A real pleasure to be here.
So, maybe a good place to start out with is to talk about your background. You’ve done all this exciting work in the Haskell ecosystem. Maybe tell us a little bit more about how you got involved in Haskell and what kind of work you’ve done there.
Yeah, sure. I first really encountered Haskell when I went back to graduate school. I’d been a high school teacher for a little while and then I thought, ‘oh, you know, it’s time to get a Ph.D. in programming languages,’ kind of, as you do.
Mm. (laughs)
In the process toward that, I discovered dependent types. I didn’t wanna just show up in grad school and not know anything. So I did some background reading and I discovered that, you know, these fancy type systems have so much expressiveness, and so much of a way of being able to sort of define what it is that you’re programming before you even write a line of code, that you can just express your ideas so much more clearly and then get the compiler to check that you actually did it correctly. This was just sort of, you know, my brain exploded when I learned about this.
I feel like, you know, I kind of pretend to know something about programming languages on TV, but like, actually my academic background is distributed systems, not programming languages, and there’s lots of gaps in my knowledge. And so, I kinda don’t really know what dependent types are. Can you give a suitably beginner-friendly explanation of what dependent types are?
Sure. And I’m gonna start by avoiding the trap of trying to define the term, ‘dependent type.’
And instead, just sort of describe ‘a language with dependent types
allows you to do this thing.’ And that thing is to essentially encode
a proof of correctness into your program such that every time you
compile your program, that proof is checked. And so you know—if you’ve
set things up the right way—that your program does what you think it
does. And so, I’ll give a concrete example.
And that is, to imagine a sorting function. So normally we think of a
sorting function, let’s just say, it’s a function from a list of
‘ints’ to a list of ints, right? It takes this list of ints’ input,
and then does some transformation, and then produces a list. But
actually, that’s a very loose description of a sorting function. We
can do better than that.
I wanna say that a sorting function takes in a list of ints, and it
produces a list of ints in, I’m gonna say, non-descending order
(because maybe there’s duplicates, so I don’t want to say ‘ascending
order’ because someone out there might say that’s wrong). So we get
this list out that’s in non-descending order. Okay, that’s closer, but
that’s still not quite right because maybe my function just always
returned to the empty list. That’s a list in non-descending order.
So instead, I really want to say that it’s a function that takes in a
list of ints, and returns a result that is in non-descending order,
and is a permutation of the input list. And that’s a rather glorious
type that I can assign to a sorting function. But it accurately
describes what that sorting function does.
And then I can implement that in any number of ways, using any of the
common sorting algorithms that you learn in computer science, and any
of those different algorithms will meet that specification, and then,
if I’ve encoded this, my compiler will check that my algorithm
actually does sorting and doesn’t do some other thing. And so now,
having sort of explained that, I can return back and actually say what
I mean by ‘dependent type.’
A dependent type is a type that can depend on some input that you give
into a function, essentially. So, in this case, the output of the
function, not just a list of ints, but the output depends on the
input. The output must be a permutation of the input. And so, that’s
the dependent type.
So when I started grad school, then I saw Haskell, and here was a
language that had this fancy type system and had all this
expressiveness. Didn’t quite have dependent types, but it had a lot of
that stuff. That just got me excited. And then, through that I started
working with Stephanie Weirich at University of Pennsylvania. She was
doing a lot of Haskell work. She collaborated a bunch with Simon
Peyton Jones, who then I started collaborating with, and things just
sort of took off from there. It was a pretty fast introduction into
that world.
I wanna go a little deeper on that. I feel like we’ve started with the, like, ‘Well, of course I got a Ph.D. in PL and was interested in dependent types.’ Like, how do you even get there? Where does your interest and background in programming languages come [from] in the first place?
So, once upon a time, I wanted to program. I don’t know why I wanted to program. I was too little to have that level of introspection.
So I guess, uh, I learned Basic when I was, I think, five somehow. There was a friend of my parents that decided I should learn Basic and so that happened.
But I then got more into it, I guess, when I was in 7th grade, so this was, probably I was 12 years old. And someone told me that Pascal was a good language to learn. So, you know, I pleaded with my parents and eventually they bought me the Pascal compiler ‘cause back in those days, you actually had to pay for compilers. At least on, sort of—we had a Macintosh. If I had some kind of Unix system, maybe it would’ve been different.
Well, which Pascal compiler did you use?
Um, THINK Pascal? Was that a thing?
THINK Pascal, so not Borland. I guess Borland was more in the, like, DOS side of the world.
Yeah, yeah. Borland, yes, Borland was for like, ‘real programmers.’
So I got this, and somewhere along the way, I had decided that every
piece of software should be, like, if you read the instruction manual,
that should tell you everything you need to know about that piece of
software. I don’t know why I assumed that, but that was my starting
point. And so, it came with these two big books and most of the books
were just like on compiler flags and setting up projects and none of
this stuff about programming. At the end of one of the books was a
syntax reference with no glosses, no further information, just a
syntax reference using those, sort of, block and line diagrams to
represent recursive loops in the syntax. And I was like, ‘Okay, well,
if my assumption is that this book defines how to program, and this is
the only thing it has, then all the information must be here.’
So I just stared at these syntax diagrams probably for hours and
hours. Like, ‘Okay, what does all of this mean?’ And then eventually
sort of bootstrapped my way into learning how to program Pascal. And
so, that being my first ‘real programming experience,’ somehow that
built the structures in my brain just around syntax and languages, and
it kind of went from there.
And then fast-forward 10 years or so, and I took a PL course as an
undergrad from Norman Ramsey and it just lit me up. It was just like,
this is really cool stuff. I really enjoy this kind of thinking. And
it turned out, I took that at the end of my senior year of undergrad,
and so it was sort of too late to immediately go into grad school at
that point and I had this whole machine going toward high school
teaching. So I did that for a while, but then I ended up returning.
I love that your entrée into programming was, roughly speaking, a traumatic experience with syntax. That seems… (laughs)
But it wasn’t traumatic. It was fantastic. Somehow, this was just what I needed. This was what my 12-year-old-self needed: big syntax blocks.
(laughs) Okay. So, you went off, you got your Ph.D., you started working on Haskell. Where did it go from there?
Well, I was working on my Ph.D. It was basically, Stephanie and I had
this idea about how to encode dependent types, but it required some
more support from the Haskell compiler. And so, I was pleading [with]
the Haskell people to create this for me. And then, eventually Simon
just wrote and said, ‘Why don’t you just do it?’ And that was a new
concept for me. I was like, ‘I could influence this language? Well,
you know, I’m just this random person.’
But between Stephanie and Simon mentoring me, I got to a point where I
could contribute and then it just grew from there. So, [I] did a bunch
of that as a Ph.D. student. Then after leaving my Ph.D., I was a
professor for a few years at Bryn Mawr College. What was great about
that experience was, they were open to the idea that open source
contributions were a form of publication, right? A lot of professors
have a lot of pressure to keep producing papers. That was definitely
there for me, too. But alongside papers, I couldn’t just do
software. But I could do, sort of, traditional scholarly publications
and software. So that gave me a chance to continue my implementation
work, remain a part of this open source community, while still doing
the high-level scholarly research that I had been doing. So that was a
really nice part of it.
It turned out that, to my great surprise, that—well, this wasn’t to my
great surprise—it turned out that this was a lot of work. That
maintaining a research program with a bunch of papers every year, and
doing these open source contributions, and teaching, there was just
more than could comfortably fit into one job, especially during term
time. And to my own surprise, I realized that the teaching part was
the part that maybe I could pause on. I had done that full-time as a
high school teacher for eight years, now I was back doing it. It was
fun, but I thought it was time to sort of push in a slightly different
So after a couple years at Bryn Mawr, I left to join Tweed which is a
software consultancy based in Paris. They do a ton of Haskell
work. And they hired me, basically just to continue my contributions
in the Haskell space. So, I continued doing research there, continued
contributing to the compiler there. And, you know, after a few years
of that, that was fun, and I got to a point where I was looking to be
part of a cohesive team all working together, and realizing that after
so many years just working in one language, I was really ready to see
what things were like in a different space. And so the timing worked
out really well when you, Ron, reached out to me and started the
discussions that led to me joining Jane Street.
Right. And often in these interviews, I’ll ask someone, like, ‘so how did you get here?’ But actually, I was part of the dramatis personae of how you actually arrived.
You were the—the dramatis personae, yeah. (laughs)
(laughs) Right, which is, at some point, I was like, ‘oh, it would be really good if Richard worked here,’ and I started reaching out and trying to convince you to come. Which took, it’s important, I calculated, 11 months from (laughs) when I started.
Yeah, yeah. That’s right. I mean, you know, of course the story [of] me coming to Jane Street starts with you asking me, and me saying ‘No.’
And again, it was a matter of timing. I’ve been aware of Jane Street
for a long time, been sort of wondering what was happening over there,
and somehow when you first reached out, it just wasn’t the right time
for me yet. And then the second time, it was sort of a better time. I
couldn’t even tell you why. It’s just, this is the way that life
But, you know, one of the barriers which we’ve joked about is that I
grew up in the New York area and actually ended up going to high
school in New York and commuting from New Jersey. So every day I was
going back and forth across the George Washington Bridge, and swore to
myself then that I would never commute to and from New York City. And
also just sort of had this negative vibe from the financial industry,
and I was just like, ‘I don’t know. Like, I want to be creating
something that other people use,’ right?
But actually, this is fantastic. I’m having great fun. Part of it is
that I’m working as part of this larger ecosystem. It’s not just a
closed thing where I’m only doing stuff that’s internal to Jane
Street. But instead, contributing to this open source ecosystem,
working on an open language, OCaml, and really continuing some of
these research trends that I started 10 years ago. Now that I’m here,
it just all fits very naturally together.
I feel like, in general, one of my takeaways is that there’s lots of
interesting work in lots of different places and the preconceptions
you have when you are young often (laughs) don’t work out over
time. So a thing you talked about earlier is a topic that I feel like
I should know something about, but don’t. I like your first high-level
description ‘cause it actually lines up with the very little bit I
know about dependent types.
And there’s also something that’s always made me a little nervous
about them because a basic fact about proofs is—proofs seem pretty
hard to construct. People go to great trouble to build automated
proving systems where you have tactic libraries, like, little tiny
programs that you can run to, like, ‘try this way or try that way’ of
coming up with a proof of a thing. And it all sounds really hard and
when you talk to people who do kind of theorem proving on large scale
software systems, it sounds like a pretty challenging operation where
this is kind of a lot of engineering work that just goes into just
constructing the proof. So I’m curious how you think of the
practicalities of that? Like, how convenient can you make it? And if
you make it a deeply embedded part of the programming process, does
that work well with the other things you might wanna do? Does it
interfere with the ordinary process of programming? How do you see the
pragmatics of that working out?
Yeah, that’s a great question. And this is a question that doesn’t
have an answer yet. This is, I think, still something that the
programming languages community is grappling with. I have my own
takes, but this is still sort of an open question out there.
I think, first of all, that for a programming language to be
effective, everything needs to be opt-in, right? If you have a
language that supports dependent types—and there’s a bunch out
there. So actually, OCaml’s module system is a dependent type
system. It’s missing one or two key features that makes it really sort
of go. But that definitely has aspects of dependent types in
it. Haskell has aspects of dependent types.
There are other languages, Coq, Agda, Idris, Lean, these are the ones
that really have embraced dependent types. But in any of these
languages, you don’t have to use these dependent types. You can just
write a sorting function that is described as ‘a list of ints to a
list of ints.’ That’s fine. And I think that’s a key aspect of any
kind of system that’s gonna be using this dependent types feature,
because not everyone wants to prove everything all the time. As you
say, proofs are expensive. And so, what you need is, you need the
ability to only prove the parts that you think are worthwhile proving.
So let’s say we have an important part of the system that might be
easy to get wrong that we want to prove something about. How do we do
that? Is that still worth it? And one thing to think about is, what’s
your cost-benefit analysis, right? If you do this proving, can you
spend less time on testing? Can you spend less time on debugging? Can
you spend less time on catastrophic failure because you missed
something when debugging?
It is a lot harder to do these programs with proofs. But sometimes,
that’s really worth it. It’s a matter of applying good taste, like it
is everywhere in programming, right? Any programming language gives
you a ton of tools to work with, and it takes time and experience and
taste to figure out when it’s time to use which tools.
Right. And I do really like that, kind of, pay-as-you-go kind of attitude of, like, you want some kind of base language that’s relatively simple to work with, and then the ability to add on more features that give you more power of various kinds, and not be forced to pay for that complexity constantly in everything you do. Which is, I think, actually a really hard thing to get right in the design—of like, not having these more powerful features leak in and corrupt the rest of your experience within the language.
That’s right. It’s a very careful thing. And my push in Haskell has been to try to increase or add new features to help support dependent types, and there’s been a large community of people really excited for this. And in my measurement, my biased measurement, a smaller community of people who have been saying, ‘No, no, no. Don’t do this because it’s gonna make it impossible to write simple programs.’ And many, many, many times, I’ve had to reassure people, ‘No, no. All those simple programs will continue to exist, they’ll continue to work. You can do what you want.’ But I also wanna give power to people who want to use the fancy dependent types.
Great. Okay. So let’s leave Haskell and dependent types behind for the moment because that’s not primarily what you’re working on here. Maybe you can tell us, what are you working on here? Like, what is the mission that you are on here, working on OCaml?
So, I’ll start more broadly and then I’ll get narrower. My broad
mission is my belief that type systems are a fantastic way to
structure thought and structure programs. So by being able to write
down what you intend to do before doing it, then you can check what
you’ve done, and you can also help formulate your thoughts. And when I
say, ‘write down what you intend to do before doing it,’ I mean, write
down a specification in types.
The flip side of that, is that it must be the case that you can do
that without paying a one-time cost. It’s gonna be problematic if you
want to write an efficient program, and yet, by defining your program
carefully ahead of time, now it’s no longer as efficient at
runtime. This checking and this writing of a specification should all
happen at compile time. This should be happening in front of the
programmer and not in front of any users. If any of those details leak
into user land by slowing your program down or somehow interfering
with the operation of your program, then there’s a misdesign in the
So coming down to what I’m actually working on here at Jane Street, so
the feature I’m working on is something called unboxed types. There’s
various different ways of characterizing it, but one way to do so is,
it allows inlining of type definitions. So what we might want to have
in our design is to have a structure that has four fields that
describe some aspects of a trade. And then maybe we store that
structure in some larger structure, and maybe that’s stored in some
larger structure.
Well, if you do that the naïve way in OCaml, every time you store one
structure inside of another, it’s stored by a pointer. And it means
now when I wanna access the price of this trade that’s all the way
down (it’s a nested structure) I have to follow this pointer, then
that pointer, then that pointer, then that pointer, each time I have a
cache miss, each time I have to load into memory. This is really bad.
Right. And this highlights a kind of basic fact about OCaml, that it has a very fancy, at least on the scale of modern language that people might use, a very fancy type system and a brutally simple memory representation. OCaml’s internal implementation might have been like a Scheme or Lisp written in the mid-‘60s or something, which is to say, everything looks like either some immediate value, it’s no bigger than a word that fits in a register, or a heap-allocated value, which is like one header word and then one full word for every slot inside of it, and we have all the fancy, like, type goo on top of it that you want, but all of the physical representation looks just like that.
Exactly. Exactly. It means that we’re building this beautiful type discipline in our software to try to avoid errors, and try to express ourselves, and try to communicate more clearly among developers—and we’re paying for that at runtime! This is ridiculous. To me, every time a type system feature slows down your program or otherwise interferes is just a misdesign. And so, the fact that this is our current state of play is problematic. The task I’m working on is coming up with a new design for OCaml’s type system, or this aspect of OCaml’s type system, that allows us to have this rich type structure without paying for it at runtime.
That’s right. Although it’s not that you can pick a type structure that’s kind of oblivious to the performance details, right? In some sense it’s the opposite. The idea of the unboxed type work and a lot of the work that we’re doing now is really about taking design decisions that have to do with performance and making them explicit at the level of types.
Yes, that’s right. Because you can’t, I mean, in the end, we need to execute this somehow. There needs to be an execution model. And so, if we try to ignore all of these execution details in the type system, then there’s not gonna be a way of making it fast. And so, the work is, in some sense, taking some of these execution-oriented details, making them manifest in the type system, getting programmers the ability to write types that take these into account, so that we can then execute fast.
Right. In some sense, I think of this as really being about enabling
performance engineering, right? There’s kind of two different lines of
people thinking about how to optimize programs via compilers. One is,
you make your compiler smarter so it can do more and optimize things
for you. So the user can write kind of an ordinary program that just
reflects, ‘what do they want to achieve and what’s the logical
structure,’ and then the compiler will, like, do something good. And
then, the other direction is trying to give a lot of precise
understanding to the programmer so they can know exactly what they’re
doing and they can optimize their program. And these are both
But, like, in some sense the scale of optimizations are very
different. Like, if you come up with a way of making your compiler
faster that, like, takes most user programs and makes them 20% faster,
that’s an enormous win. Like, that’s a shockingly good
outcome. Whereas, if you give people good performance engineering
tools, the idea that they can think hard about a particular program
and make it five, or 10, or 100 times faster is like, in some sense,
totally normal. And so, there’s a kind of extra power of giving
individuals the ability to optimize. It obviously misses out on scope
and there’s something great about being able to go and in one swell
foop (laughs) make 20 different, or 100 different, or all the
different programs faster. But you can’t get the same kind of order of
magnitude of improvements that you can get from giving one programmer
the ability to really carefully engineer their system.
Well, there’s a real tension because what in the end we’re doing in
programming languages is, we’re trying to find a way for humans to
communicate precisely to computers. And we have at our disposal our
tool, one of our tools is the fact that this is happening on a
computer. So we can write computer programs to try to sort of help
cover this distance, right?
In the early days, humans were just completely at a disadvantage and
the humans wrote in assembly code. And this was kind of terrible. And
we’ve come some way since then, and so now instead of writing sort of
instruction-by-instruction that’s gonna be executed by the processor,
we can write in a high-level language and have a compiler translate
that high-level language to something that the computer can
execute. Hopefully along the way, it can actually make that
faster. But sometimes, we’ve gotten ourselves sort of too
high-level. If we abstract away too many of the details of execution,
it’s exactly as you were saying. It means that the programmer can no
longer do the performance engineering. And so, we need to expose just
enough to the programmer so that now there’s some more details that
they can think about. Now they can do that performance engineering.
But still, I think the burden sits on the compiler to take those few
hints that the programmer gives to make blazingly fast code come out
the other end. And it’s just really about this interplay between how
many details do we wanna expose? Certainly not all the details because
that’s too hard for the programmer. But we need to expose some. And
so, it’s about, over time, programming languages developing more and
more features that sort of figure out the right line and the right
balance between this desire for high-level languages, closer to human
thought, and low-level details, easier to execute.
So, before when we were talking about dependent types, we were talking about how it’s important to have this kind of pay-as-you-go phenomenon, like, it gets harder as you try and get more power. It feels like the same kind of thing shows up here.
So, when you try and get more control over the shape of data in the way that you described, what are the trade-offs? And how do you think about designing the language in such a way that you don’t have whatever extra complexity is there infect everything that you do?
Well, we have to be really careful. So, with unboxed types, one of the
challenges is gonna be that unboxed types interfere with
polymorphism. So, in a language like OCaml, you can write a function,
say, that computes the length of a list. And that’s gonna work over a
list, no matter what the list contains. And so the way that we say
that, is that in the type of the length function, there’s a type
variable. We say that it’s an ‘alpha list’ where alpha can stand for
any type that you might wanna put in there. Once we introduce unboxed
types, that no longer works out. Some of these types won’t be suitable
replacements for alpha. And so it means that, by having these unboxed
types in the system, now this really powerful feature of polymorphism
becomes constrained. And so, algorithms that people are used to being
able to use everywhere, no longer work so well.
So one of the challenges that we have is, how can we recover that? How
can we still keep this nice feature of polymorphism and without having
unboxed types interfere? And so, one of the things that we’re thinking
about doing is some amount of essentially what could become runtime
code generation. It comes down to building experience with the
feature. As we start understanding this language feature better, we’re
going to create programs using these unboxed types, recognize areas in
which the current programming paradigms that we engage in no longer
work, and then figure out ways around them. It’s this give and take as
we’re doing the language design.
And just to focus in on this code generation thing for a second, the
basic issue here is that the way you make in OCaml today, separate
compilation of work, and make the ability to write a function in one
place and use it polymorphically on lots of different types is, again,
you’re just kind of taking advantage of this rock stupid memory
representation. Like, what’s a list? A list is a collection of
heap-allocated values, every one has, like, two slots. One is a place
to put the data and the other is a place to have a pointer to the next
thing on the list. And when you iterate over it, that thing always has
the same shape, it always has the same number of bytes, and so you
could just write one piece of code that kind of uniformly walks over
it. And what happens in the unboxed types world is, suddenly you want
the system to contemplate multiple different possible shapes of the
data. And so, kind of at a mechanical level, you need different
machine instructions in order to do the walking of the data structure,
depending on what that structure is.
And so, that’s how you might end up with wanting code generations. The
way to kind of claw back the polymorphism is to generate the
code. Maybe you can generate the extra code at compile time, maybe you
have to generate the extra code at runtime. But you somehow now have
to generate code for multiple different scenarios that essentially
represent different physical shapes of the data.
Exactly. And right now, our best thought is that this will happen at compile time, that we’ll be able to figure out what code we need to generate at compile time. That will prevent a few programming idioms that someone might potentially want. I don’t think anyone will ever want those (laughs) idioms in practice so I think we’ll be able to get away with it. But it does mean we’re thinking carefully about this design and it’s a hard thing. I’m not aware of another language that’s really tackled the problem in the way that we expect to tackle it over the next few months.
So another language I think is interesting to compare to, in all of this, is Rust.
So Rust is a language which tries really hard to do two things at the same time which are not trivial to do at the same time. One is to give stronger sense of type safety so that you can write programs that you’re confident aren’t going to crash, so you get lots of protection from bugs from the type system. And also give the user a lot of control over low-level details over how memory is managed. And we’re essentially trying to push OCaml in some sense at that high level of description in the same direction.
How do you think the Rust approach differs from the approach you see us trying to take with OCaml?
This is a good comparison. This takes us a little bit away from
unboxed types and polymorphism because I think the way that that
appears in Rust is quite different. But the notion of this sort of
finer level of control is definitely accurate. But Rust gives up
something really big to do what they do. They give up garbage
collection. Within Jane Street and generally in programming, I think a
lot of the time garbage collection is fantastic, right? It allows us
to program without worrying about these low-level details that for
most programs, we don’t need to.
So, for instance, when I’m writing the OCaml compiler—which is written
in OCaml, of course—I do want it to be performant, but I don’t really
care about microsecond latency. And so, I’m happy to write my compiler
in a way that allocates a bunch of memory and then when it’s done with
that memory, the garbage collector comes and gets rid of it. This is
really, really convenient. In Rust, we don’t have that. In Rust, we
are forced to think about memory, allocation, and deallocation at
every point in time. And this gives us this fine level of control, but
it comes at a real cost, and it means now we’re sort of fighting
against this ‘pay-as-you-go principle’ that we were talking about
earlier. In Rust, for memory, you don’t pay as you go. Everyone has to
pay all the time for Rust fine memory control. So we wanna keep the
high-level, garbage-collected OCaml for most applications, and then
when we really want to have this fine level of control, we wanna have
that, too.
And so, some of the work that we’re doing is around adding that finer
level of control, but just where we need it.
So, one thing I wonder is whether this pay-as-you-go principle really applies in general or whether it’s like itself a kind of trade-off? I think, if you’d asked the question of like, ‘well we should think of types in general as pay-as-you-go.’ Maybe your baseline should be by default untyped, and then when you want some extra control, you should add types to it and lock it down more.
That seems in principle reasonable. But all the languages that I’ve
dealt with that have pay-as-you-go types or what you might call
gradual type systems, actually inherit quite a lot of complexity and
problems from that choice. It’s often simpler and better, at least for
some kinds of problems, to have a uniform approach where you sort of
figure out what trade-offs you wanna do and you kind of apply those
trade-offs uniformly. And I think, at least from my perspective, the
base choice you make in a language like Haskell or OCaml of like,
‘actually, even though it has some ups and downs, we’re just going to
have types everywhere and that’s just how it’s gonna be,’ I think is
at least a reasonable place in the trade off space of designs.
And I wonder if the same is true about this kind of thing about
pay-as-you-go control? Whereas, I can imagine for some kinds of
applications, you would want the property that, ‘yeah, I am explicit
about memory everywhere. I kind of have a hard guarantee that anywhere
I look I have all of this extra information.’ I don’t know. How do you
think about this question of where pay-as-you-go is the right way or
the wrong way to think about designing something?
I think that’s a great question and I agree. I mean, pay-as-you-go types, people have wanted that for some time. It hasn’t ever really happened. And, I mean, you could almost say that C++ and C have pay-as-you-go types and that they have type systems, but the type systems are sort of completely broken.
(laughs) Pay-as-you-go but then what do you get? I like that.
Well, right, but, I mean, just to clarify for our listeners. What I mean by ‘completely broken’ is that at any point in time in C and C++ you can just say, ‘Oh, ignore the type system. And I’m gonna just take this thing and change its type to be something else.’ And the languages, you know, they take this stance of, trust the programmer, that when the programmer decides to do this, that this is a good idea. But we lose the guarantees that one would want from a type system like that when you dereference a pointer that there’s actually something there when you dereference it.
So, getting back to memory control, I like the idea of pay-as-you-go
there, or maybe it’s not even pay-as-you-go as much as a language that
can have multiple different modes of use with very easy interop. In
that we can have a system where there’s not fine memory management,
that you just sort of use the current OCaml’s system of uniform memory
representation, and then another part where maybe this particular team
or this particular file says, ‘No, no. Here I really want careful
memory management.’ This is a different kind of pay-as-you-go. It’s
sort of at the file level or something like that, or the package
level, I suppose. And then as long as one piece of code can easily
call the other, that also works well.
We also see this kind of idea coming out in polyglot systems where we
actually have multiple languages all calling one another because maybe
this part of the system is easier to write in some language, that part
of the system is easier to write in some other language. It’s all a
way of, these sort of different approaches to attack the same problem
that we don’t wanna have all of this complexity. We want to sort of
narrow down what complexity we have, where.
Right. So there’s almost a notion of different dialects within the same language?
With a really high quality FFI that really captures all of the important details so you can kind of interoperate, right? In fact, the work of polyglot stories are actually really challenging to engineers. There’s like, a ton—
… of hard work. I mean, we’ve done a bunch of work trying to get the Python-OCaml interop story working just right. We’ve made good progress there but it’s actually quite challenging. And I feel like the work is quadratic in the number of different (laughs) languages that you need to hook together ‘cause it’s often unique, weird issues that come with every pairing of things that you wanna make all one to the other.
I think that’s right. And that’s one of the appeals of having one
language that maybe is flexible enough to operate in multiple
different modes. So, in particular, in our design for unboxed types,
we are planning to make a box operation explicit. And the box
operation is going to be ‘the spot’ that allocates memory. And so,
normally, you’ll be able to get uses of this box operation for
free. Programmers won’t ever notice it, they won’t write it. It just,
all the existing code will have all the boxes inserted. But it would
be really easy to imagine some kind of compiler setting that turns
that feature off. Meaning that every time you wanna allocate memory,
you have to explicitly ask for it.
So this doesn’t bring you all the way to Rust, in that there’s still a
garbage collector operating, you still don’t have to manually
deallocate memory. But if I wanna write a program that absolutely,
where every allocation is known, we haven’t designed this out. Maybe
we’re gonna go there, maybe we’re not gonna go there. Nothing is for
certain. But it turned out that in our design, it just naturally fell
out that we could just add this compiler flag that just turns off
boxing and it would be super easy to implement and we could experiment
to see how easy it is to work with.
So, here we’re talking about a lot of very ambitious changes to OCaml. One uncomfortable fact about all of this is, like, we don’t own OCaml, we are not the (laughs) primary upstream developers. Every time we wanna make a change to OCaml, there’s a bunch of people who we have to convince that it’s a good change. So one of the things that you’re thinking about in particular is, the kind of relationship of the work that we’re doing here and our connection to the larger OCaml community. Say a little bit more about how you think about this whole process.
So, I wanna start by pushing back against ‘unfortunate fact.’ I don’t
see that as an unfortunate fact at all. So OCaml was born as a
research project out of Inria in France and still is there. That’s
sort of its beating heart. And we are really significant benefactors
of that work that others have done, that others continue to do. And
so, Jane Street has chosen to work in part of this open source
language community where we’re taking others’ ideas and we’re
contributing our ideas back.
So in this podcast and in our work, we have these grand ideas. ‘Oh,
we’re gonna add this to OCaml. We’re gonna do this, we’re gonna do
that. Of course, what I really mean is, we’re going to experiment with
this idea internally. And then as that experiment unfolds, as we gain
experience and become more sure that it’s a right—I shouldn’t say a
right idea. There’s many right ideas. But as we gain more confidence
in a particular design, we can then work with the rest of the OCaml
community to try to make this part of everyone’s OCaml and not just
Jane Street’s.
And in that way, we’re giving back to that community. At the same
time, we’re continuing to reap rewards from other work happening in
that community. So the biggest example of which is the multicore
support that’s coming in OCaml 5. Still gonna be some time before Jane
Street’s ready to upgrade to OCaml 5. But that was a huge pile of work
done mostly outside, or maybe entirely outside of Jane Street’s walls,
and we benefit by being part of this open source ecosystem. And so, I
think that this is a really great place to be where we’re
participating, we’re getting new input of technical content, like
multicore OCaml, as well as design ideas. And I’m even thinking of
something just a few weeks ago where I found an infelicity in the
compiler, made an improvement, pushed that upstream, and then we got
fresh ideas from folks outside of Jane Street’s walls about, ‘Here’s
actually an even better way to do it,’ and that was great. And then we
could incorporate that here. Without being part of this open source
ecosystem, we wouldn’t have gotten that insight and we would be poorer
for it.
So, in the Haskell world, you spent a lot of time working on exciting new type system features for Haskell and now you’re doing, in substance, similar kinds of work here. But I think that work flow is pretty different, right? I think then, in the Haskell world, it was like the primary work and ideation and evaluation was all deeply integrated from the beginning in the open source world. And here, we’re doing this work where we’re still open source, still, you know, you can go look at the results on GitHub. But we are mostly iterating internally, and then, over time, as we gain experience, as we gain more confidence that the things we’ve built are good ideas, working to see what subsets of these we can get upstreamed. I’m curious how that has changed your feeling about the work, how it changes the texture of the work that you do?
So working within the context of Jane Street gives us a lot more
opportunity for experimentation. So a real big challenge of doing
language design is that, by necessity, you come up with an idea and
maybe you think it’s a good idea and you experiment with it on a few
small programs on your own machine or you get your friend to sort of
experiment. You bounce the idea. Maybe, you know, you’re even
proactive and you convene a committee of experts on this idea and now
you have, you know, five people thinking really hard about this one
idea and trying to come up with the absolute best design.
But then, once you come up with the design, if you’re just in an open
source environment—without the context of a place like Jane Street—you
develop the idea, implement it, and release it, and then now you have
thousands or hundreds of thousands of programmers using it, and maybe
it was a bad idea. But by the time you discover that it was a bad
idea, it’s a little bit too late because maybe you have 90,000
programmers who think it’s a bad idea, but you have a thousand who
think it’s a fantastic idea and will be very, very, very upset if you
break their programs by changing it. And now you’re in a bad way.
And even the people who think it’s a bad idea, who would like to get rid of it, don’t necessarily want you to break their programs in the interim before they’ve (laughs) stopped relying on the feature.
That’s right. And so, it’s really, really hard to make changes to a
proper open source programming language. In the context of Jane Street
on the other hand, it’s—I don’t wanna say dead easy. There’s work
involved, but it is tractable and somewhat easy in that we can develop
an idea, push it out there, get other programmers in the firm to start
using it, and then as that happens, we can say, ‘Mm. This isn’t quite
working out the way that we thought it would.’ That, you know, theory
meets reality, and theory loses.
And so, then we can make a change to the feature and we have sort of
an operation that we use internally called a ‘tree smash,’ where some
Jane Street engineers work together to come up with a big diff that
happens to all of Jane Street’s code, all at once, and we can change
the spelling of a keyword if we want to. And in fact, we’re imagining
this now. So Jane Street has been working on a feature called ‘local
types’ or ‘stack allocation.’ These two things are kind of the same
thing. And we’re realizing that one aspect of the design was just a
bit wrong. And there’s already a ton of code written using the old
design, but we’ve invented a new keyword and a new place for the
keyword to appear, and all this stuff.
And so, it’s gonna be some work to fix it, but there’s no part of us
that’s saying, ‘Oh no. Now we need to think about a migration plan and
we need to make sure that no one is too unhappy with this.’ We’re just
gonna go do it. And so, it means by the time we get to upstreaming,
everything is battle-tested. And so, it just increases the level of
confidence in the design when we go through that process.
One of the concerns I could see people having about this kind of process is, it’s going to do a lot of training on, ‘What are the requirements within Jane Street?’ But there are all sorts of ways in which you could imagine the requirements in Jane Street and outside of Jane Street being different. I’m curious how you think about the design process in a way where you end up with language features that are likely to be of quite general utility, ‘cause I think, in the end, the only ones you’re gonna get accepted upstream are the ones that people think are more broadly useful than just being useful for us.
So that’s indeed a challenge, right? It’s a challenge of overfitting,
right? We have a very particular style of code within Jane Street and
a very particular use case that we’re working on. I think that is sort
of a harder question to answer in some sense. I think one way that we
address that is by seeking outside feedback from the very
beginning. So, the plan that we have for unboxed types, another Jane
Street engineer, Stephen Dolan, he made a presentation about this
design for unboxed types, I think in 2019. We’ve been thinking about
this for a long time. The local types and stack allocation feature,
this has also been featured in a number of presentations that we’ve
made to the OCaml community, out in public.
And so, by incorporating that process early, we can get broad
feedback. That’s not the kind of feedback that tells us, ‘Oh, should
the keyword go here, or should it go there?’ Right? That’s the kind of
thing that we develop internally. But I think that, by giving these
presentations, by involving the broader community, even from the very
beginning, that helps to prevent some of this overfitting problem.
So, another interesting aspect of your background is, you’ve spent a lot of time, years really, working in the Haskell community and working on Haskell. And now, you’re working on a totally new programming language using it both as the surface language in which you write your programs, and also helping to design that language. I’m curious, what struck you about difference? I’m curious, what are the differences that have struck you about Haskell and OCaml at multiple different levels?
It’s been really fun over the past, I guess, six months now being part
of these two language communities. So, I should say, I’m still quite
active in the Haskell world. I have not left the Haskell world. I’m
living both Haskell and OCaml on a daily basis. So let me think of a
couple of interesting points of comparison.
So, one is, it seems kind of simple, but actually I think it affects
the way that we program. The approach toward interfaces. In Haskell,
you tend to write your type signatures sort of right next to the
function and Haskell uses a lot of type signatures. OCaml doesn’t so
much. And so, OCaml there’s these separate interface files where you
define the interface to your whole module, but it’s kind of apart and
it means, in my experience, looking at a bunch of OCaml code. OCaml
code tends to be rather less documented than similar Haskell code, and
I think that’s in part because in Haskell, you put your types right
there and that’s a form of documentation. And once you put your types
in, then you can also put more documentation there and it becomes part
of the habit of the Haskell programmer to put those comments right in
A flip side of this, is that Haskell has this feature called
typeclasses. And typeclasses allow you to use essentially one
functioning to mean a variety of different things. OCaml doesn’t have
that feature. And so, what that can mean sometimes is that Haskell
code can become quite a bit harder to understand because if you have a
bunch of these function names, any of which can mean a variety of
different things, all strung together, then it takes a lot of work on
the part of the reader to try to understand what on earth is going on
there. And that problem just doesn’t arise in OCaml. OCaml is much
more explicit about what operations it’s taking.
So maybe I can even, taking these two examples, generalize that a
little bit and say, I find Haskell to be somewhat more explicit about
what’s happening at compile time. Whereas, OCaml is somewhat more
explicit about what’s happening at runtime. So another place where
that comes into play is that, the Haskell compiler—and this connects
with a topic we were talking about earlier—the Haskell compiler
optimizes much more aggressively than the OCaml one does. And that’s
because in Haskell, Haskell’s a lazy language which means that if you
say, ‘Let X equal some big computation,’ we’re not gonna compute the
big computation until we need the value of X. In OCaml, if you say,
‘Let X equal a big computation,’ we just compute that thing right
And so, that means, on the one hand you might say, ‘Oh, well maybe
Haskell is more efficient,’ because maybe some code path never uses
the value of X and so it means that we can discard that whole big
thing. But it also means that it’s much harder to predict in Haskell
how fast your program is going to run or what its performance
characteristics are gonna be. In OCaml, it’s much easier to predict
that. You can just sort of read your file top to bottom and, within a
function, it just performs the operations that you see roughly in the
order that you see them. And that means, OCaml again is more explicit
about what happens at runtime, but without some of the type
annotations that we see in Haskell, a little less explicit about
what’s happening at compile time.
You mentioned a couple of things that are different that I wonder if
they’re really language differences, or just cultural differences. If
you look at the tendency to do fewer type annotations on the
definition of functions, you could put more type annotations. And I
think there are some people who write OCaml who do, but there’s
certainly a tendency not to and I think the Jane Street house style
certainly is one that does not have lots of type annotations, outside
of interface files where those are essentially required everywhere.
And the documentation thing, too, like, the interface files are a very
natural place to put documentation and I am constantly dissatisfied
that I think we put way too little documentation in the (laughs)
places that we could. And I don’t know that there’s anything exactly
about the language that forces that. Like, I’m not sure that I buy
‘the need to put type annotations right on functions’ is the thing
that really makes that difference.
That may be true. It’s hard to say. I do think that form follows function, function follows form a little bit, in that, when you’re used to describing the specification of a thing right next to that thing, that, to me, is going to encourage you to write documentation. Whereas, in OCaml, you write the specification over there, in that other file, nowhere near where you write your implementation. And sometimes I think that means that you’re less likely to put those comments on the implementation when you need them.
It’s funny. My intuition is the opposite of, like, ‘Oh, I’ve written this very bare interface file that just has types,’ and I think empathetically about the person who’s reading it. It’s like, ‘How will they have any idea what this means? I had better put a comment here.’ (laughs)
Right. So the comment and the interface files are good, but I think it’s not just that. I mean, and this could also be, I have a bias in that, most of the OCaml that I’m reading and writing is in the OCaml compiler itself. Maybe this is different than everything else at Jane Street. In fact, I’m sure it is. And it has been striking for me after spending so many years working in Haskell’s compiler, that Haskell’s compiler has many, many, many more comments than OCaml’s compiler does. Maybe I’m overfitting on this particular piece of software instead of just the language in general.
I do think looking at the innards of a compiler is always a weird place to think about how one should write code for the language. Because, like, one of the facts about OCaml—as it is often the case for many languages—is that OCaml was written by people who didn’t yet really know how to program in OCaml kind of by definition. And lots of the code that’s there now has been there for a long time and you can sorta see that. I think if you went to those same people today and been like, ‘How would you write this now?’ They’d all be like, ‘Oh, really very differently.’ But, you know, parts of it just kind of haven’t been rewritten and have the shape that they did years ago and are harder to understand than kind of anyone would exactly like it to be today.
And to be fair, that exact same thing is true in the Haskell compiler. There are stretches of that that no one would write it that way today. But it was written that way before anyone really knew how to program in Haskell.
So another difference that’s always struck me about Haskell is the
different approach to language extensions. And I think about this in
two different ways. One is, OCaml is just massively more
conservative. There was a period in time early in OCaml’s development
where you could almost see the process of Ph.D. students
graduating. It’s like someone graduates, they write some language
feature, and it gets added to the language. And that stopped pretty
early in OCaml. OCaml got pretty conservative about making changes. It
was like, ‘No, no, no, we’re gonna add things that are like, really
good, and it was pretty restrictive about what would go in. And
throughout that time, it kind of had one language, pretty much. OCaml
worked in one particular way and that was kinda that.
Haskell on the other hand, has had a lot of glorious experimentation
around language features and those experimental language features were
often hidden behind pragmas, right? There’s lots of different things
you could turn on and off. And so there kind of isn’t one Haskell or
two Haskells, but there’s like 10,000 different Haskells, depending on
which collection of flags you wanna turn on or turn off. You have 10
different pragmas and now you have two of the 10 different possible
arrangements of the language features. I’m curious how you think about
those different sets of choices?
Yeah. I mean, that’s a great question. So I do have to push back against your sense of scale. So Haskell has, when I last counted, and this was a few years ago, 150 or so extensions. So Haskell has actually 2150 languages.
(laughs) Ouch.
Ouch, indeed. So I think that this comes from the origin of Haskell versus the origin of OCaml so actually you probably know more about the origin of OCaml than I do. But I know Haskell was started by committee. There was a committee that met starting in, I think, 1989 into 1990, coalescing these ideas around a lazy functional programming language. And then this eventually became a Haskell standard and there were multiple different compilers for Haskell that all implemented the same standard Haskell. And then maybe one compiler would think, ‘Ooh, wouldn’t it be fun if we had X?’ And so, then they would add that feature, but everyone still wanted to make sure that it was a Haskell compiler and not this other special language based on Haskell compilers. So there was an idea of language extension. So you could have base Haskell plus these various extensions.
So, in other words, OCaml is like Python and Haskell is like Scheme?
Sure. Yes. In that OCaml has a manual for the language, but there is not a standard. There are not multiple different software artifacts that all compile some OCaml language that exists beyond a single compiler. But, in any case, going back to Haskell, that was the early days of Haskell and there were multiple Haskell compilers. As time has gone on, all of the other ones have either died off or there are still a few other Haskell compilers out there, but there’s not really an attempt to stay current with the newest features. And there’s really now just one: the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, or GHC. And that’s the one that, when I say that there’s 150 language extensions, the GHC is supporting that.
And so, when you have multiple different things, if you wanted to find
a common core that all of these different compilers can interop with,
it makes a lot of sense to have individual extensions when you say
you’re deviating from this common core. Now there’s really just one
I think that the current system, the current plan at Haskell, is not
very well motivated. And instead, the feedback that I hear from users
is that they find the whole language extension system very heavy and
it means that, to get much done in Haskell, you need to now start your
file with the list of 20 extensions that you’re using. And newcomers
can’t tell the difference between brand new experimental extensions
that might change from one compiler to another, or extensions that
have been around for 20 years, or there are some extensions that have
been around for 20 years but actually we know are dangerous and you
really shouldn’t use.
And when I say, ‘We know,’ I mean, like, I know this and a couple of
other Haskellers know this, but someone just picking up the language
won’t know that. And I personally find that quite problematic. And so,
there’s a debate going on right now within the GHC Steering Committee
who is a body chosen to sort of help evaluate the evolution of the
language to reimagine all of this. And I’m hoping that we end up with
a structure that looks quite different from what we have today, while
still retaining backward compatibility.
So if you have your 20 language extensions at the top of your file,
that will continue to work in this new vision. But I am hoping that we
can reorganize it in a way that’s a little bit more user-friendly.
Do you think in the end it would make sense to move toward something where there’s closer to one standard language that includes most of the extensions, and so that most users end up not thinking about that ‘two to the whatever’ configuration space?
I do think settling on one standard language would be good. I think we can get 80% of the way there and go from 150 extensions to maybe seven or something like that. I don’t think we’ll be able to get all the way there because there’s just too many different use cases for Haskell, there’s too many different people who have slightly different ideas of what that core should be. So if we just sort of got rid of the extensions mechanism, I think that that would cause too much of a rift in the community and probably not be tenable. But we can get close.
So, throughout this conversation, I feel like there’s been a particular kind of vision and idea of what programming is that’s motivated a lot of your thinking. And that has something to do with having a language that’s simultaneously expressive, it lets you say what you wanna say, but also has real tools for reasoning, in both type systems and, you know, more sophisticated mode-dependent types, or essentially automated tools for reasoning about your program. So in the last, I don’t know, few months, couple of years, there’s been an enormous amount of motion in a totally different direction for making programming better, which is various AI-assisted ways of making programming easier. With all of this kind of recent work on large language models, things like ChatGPT, Codex, all of that, making an enormous difference to how people are programming on a regular basis. I’m curious how you think about this and how it fits into your broader way of thinking about programming?
I see this evolution of sort of AI-assisted programming as not quite
the sea change that maybe others have seen it to be. I see it as a big
step. It’s not a small step change. But it doesn’t remove the need to
communicate precisely. In that, to me, the interesting thing about a
programming language is that it’s a mode of communication that is
precise. In a sense, that’s almost the definition of what makes a
programming language a programming language, as opposed to some other
kind of language. There’s a precise semantics to everything that is
said in that language. And that language is used as a medium of
communication, both from human to computer. That’s how we often think
of it. But also from human to human.
With the advent of AI-assisted programming, now we have sort of a new
method of communication in that it’s a communication from computer
back to human. In that, you might have something like ChatGPT
producing the code, but a human still has to read that code and make
sure that it does what you think it does. And as a medium of precise
communication, it’s still very important to have a programming
language that allows that communication to happen.
And so, this new mode of communication is going to put different
pressures on language design than what we’ve had in the past. But I
don’t think it removes the need for programming language design. But
like I said, it does create different pressures and these have been
evident for some time in that one little maxim I’ve had in my head for
years now about language design is that you wanna optimize for
reading, not for writing. Code gets read much more often than it gets
And so, when designing a new language feature, maybe you’re thinking,
‘Okay, I could do this very cleverly with, like, a nicely placed
twiddle in this spot in the code. And I could use that twiddle to mean
something very important about my program. And maybe that’s very
concise, but it’s hard to read, it’s hard to search for, it’s hard to
train new people to understand. Instead, it tends to be better to
write out words in your design and programming language, that’s easier
to search for, and easier to learn, and just easier to organize in
your brain. If we end up getting to a mode where humans are doing even
less and less writing, and computers are doing more and more of it,
then those pressures just increase. And we wanna make the language
easier to read and maybe even harder to write. Maybe we even get to a
point where if computers are doing all of the code generation, it’s
just kind of, you know, symbolic and structured. It’s not just text.
So we get these richer programming languages but I just don’t see it
as, there was yesterday and then there’s tomorrow and it’s gonna be
totally different and let’s just start from scratch. I see this as
just one phase in evolution of this precise communication medium.
One of the things that’s really striking about these AI assistants, at
least in their current form, is they’re really surprisingly powerful,
right? They can really do a kind of stunningly good job of taking a
query and understanding it and providing a piece of code that tries to
do what it is that you asked for it to do.
But they’re also strikingly fallible. They make lots of mistakes. And,
yeah, the reading thing is pretty important because you ask ChatGPT
or, you know, whatever your favorite large language model is, to write
a piece of code and look at the result. And it’s super easy for the
result to just be wrong in all sorts of different ways. And I can sort
of see the rising requirement of making things more readable. I’m
curious how you think things like dependent types fit into this story?
So, dependent types in their essence are a way of writing precise
specifications. So the sorting example that I gave earlier, I
described that, you know, you could have a function instead of going
from ‘a list of ints to a list of ints’ to something more
glorious. Well, before dependent types, or you know, language without
dependent types, you could just do that in comments. But probably in
your comments, you’re not going to be as precise as you could be if
you really wrote it in types, right? You say, you know, return to the
input list in ascending order, or something like that. But what does
that really mean?
We need a language where we can precisely specify what this function
is doing. So as I said earlier, ascending isn’t quite right. I mean,
if you write in a comment, ‘This returns the input list in ascending
order,’ well, what if the input list has duplicates? Now you can’t
even meet that specification. Where actually, that specification
doesn’t make any sense at all because the input list isn’t in
ascending order. What does that mean to say to put the input list in
ascending order? That’s a contradiction in terms, because the input
list isn’t in ascending order.
And so, there’s some amount of interpretation that humans can provide,
interpretation that a large language model can provide, but in the
end, it’s gonna come down to precise communication and
specification. And so, where do dependent types fit in? Well, they can
become the input to the large language model. Maybe now we have
programmers who are well-versed in precise communication of
specifications, not implementations, and we can say, ‘ChatGPT, give me
a function of this type.’ And then you have your nice type that takes
an input list, and it returns an output list that is a permutation of
the input list in non-decreasing order and we specify that.
And then now, that gives a nice specification for ChatGPT to go off
and say, ‘Okay, here’s an implementation that meets that. Oh, and by
the way, it has this asymptotic running time because I’m a nice large
language model and I’m gonna tell you that.’ And then, now we actually
have a model by which we can check that the result meets its
specification if it is in this precise language of dependent types.
Although I have to say, I think I am more pessimistic about the idea of people actually going off and writing down the specifications even. ‘Cause those are actually pretty hard to write.
I wonder if a more plausible model is, you go to your large language model and say, ‘Please write me a specification for a function that sorts a list.’ And then it, like, spits something out. And then you look at it and think, yeah, that seems about right. And then you go from there to next stages. But the role that this kind of concise specification has, it’s like a smaller and maybe more readable thing that you can use as part of verifying whether the later pieces in fact do what you think they’re supposed to do.
Yes, but I think there’s a real danger here. I agree with what you say in that, writing a precise specification is hard. And humans are lazy. So if it’s hard, we’re gonna ask the computer to do it. If we’re asking the computer to write the specification of the function that it’s going to write, now we’re getting into thin ice. Because if we’re working in a system where the human is not expert enough to be able to read the specification and know that it’s the right specification, now we’ve lost. Now the computer can just sort of go off and do whatever it wants and we have no way of knowing whether it’s right or wrong because we’ve lost that ability to sort of have that precise communication.
I think one of the tricky things here is, people are often pretty bad at the reading part of this, right? The idea if something gets written and now you have to read it, especially if it wasn’t written in a really clear way, reading some piece of code that is not really well-structured is actually really challenging. Like, one of the actually most important parts of the process of code review I find, is not so much that, like, one person writes the code and someone else reads it to validate that it’s done the right thing. It’s more like, somebody writes the code and the other person says, ‘Oh, man. This is, like, too messy for me to even read.’ And then there’s some kind of back and forth process where you try and get something that’s actually simple enough to be understood. And I think it’s an interesting open question of, like, as we start using more of these AI assistants, how good they will be at generating things that are actually simple.
Although, if we have precise specifications, the simplicity of the implementation becomes less important.
That’s fair. I mean, in some sense there’s a kind of open technological question of, like, how good will large language models be, acting as tactics for theorem provers?
Right. Yeah. I mean, but if we’re in an environment where there is a tight correspondence between the specification and the implementation, and what I mean by ‘tight correspondence’ is this dependent type’s model where you can—and there’s other models, it’s not just dependent types, there’s refinement types, there’s other ways of checking an implementation against a specification. But if we’re in an environment where we can check an implementation against a specification, the specification is simple enough and communicated precisely whether that’s in very careful natural language or probably not just natural language ‘cause natural language is very, very squishy. But probably in some specification language, you could call that specification language ‘dependent types’ if you want or you could call it something else. But if we can communicate that specification, check the implementation against the specification, now suddenly there’s not all that much incentive to ever read the implementation.
Right. It becomes a little bit like, you know, reading the output of the compiler.
Yeah, that’s right.
You don’t normally bother.
That’s right.
Yeah. It’s interesting. I do wonder whether a whole potential kind of direction for innovation here, which you more or less have pointed in the direction of, is designing languages that work usefully in this kind of intermediate things to generate in the process of working with some kind of AI assistant. The thing that’s generated as an intermedium really affects the overall process of working on the system and generating confidence it’s doing the right thing. It’s not a totally new problem, I guess, in the context of language design. But it does put new kinds of pressure and maybe changes the trade-offs that show up.
Yeah, that’s right. I mean, you know, it’s too early, I think, to start to design a programming language around this kind of interaction. We’ve only been having these interactions with these assistants for a few months. And they’re changing fast. So I think now would be the wrong time. In two years, maybe one could start thinking about designing a language from scratch to do this. That sounds plausible to me. But I think a good starting point would be languages that we have now because they’re designed for precise communication. That’s, in the end, what we need. And, again, maybe there’s less pressure on the writing piece and more pressure on the reading piece. But I don’t think that they’re so divorced from each other that it means that we throw out everything we have and start from scratch. That seems, to me, pretty unlikely.
That makes sense. Well, thanks so much for joining me. This has been a
lot of fun.
You’ll find a complete transcript of the episode, along with links to
some of the things that we discussed at Thanks
for joining us and see you next time.